The Thirty-Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva

This teaching contains the key points of practice for a complete spiritual path: How to find the methods to enter the path to awakening, how to practice while on the path, and how to attain ultimate fruition. The text includes explanations on how to practice bodhichitta — kindhearted intention, the six perfections, calm abiding meditation, and profound insight. It also teaches how to carry adversity onto the path. By studying and contemplating these teachings, we discover an extraordinary means to develop spiritual practice through logic and reasoning, which results in confidence arising from the very core of our being. These teachings inspire us to endeavor on the path, urging us to leave behind all activities that bring small results and instead rejoice in the practice that bears great fruit.
* Non-Buddhists are welcome; no previous teachings on Buddhist practice and philosophy are required to attend.
Saturday & Sunday Retreat: $220
* This is to cover the costs of the venue, and transportation.
* No one will be turned away for lack of funds
* Donations to Rinpoche and translator Paloma are not included in the registration fee.
We kindly request that your payment be remitted at the time of registration – if possible.
If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected].